- Sanctuary Class - (Traditional Lesson Study) in-person and on-line on Zoom at 9:45 AM . (Meeting ID: 998 3524 6824 . Click here to join
- Contemporary Issues - meeting in-person (Fellowship Hall) and on-line at 9:30 AM Sabbath morning - click here )
- PARENTS Sabbath School Class 10:00 AM meeting in Garden chapel.
Parents Study Materials calsda
- Dialogues Class - Meeting in the Green Room next to the Fellowship Hall
- Young Adult / Collegiate Sabbath School - Meeting in Prayer Room at 10:00 AM
- High School Sabbath School - Fireside Room 10:00 AM
High School Ministry Information
- Children's Sabbath Schools 10:00 AM - follow the posted signs to see which groups are meeting where.
- Children's Sabbath School Divisions:
- Cradle Roll (Birth - 2 Years)
- Tiny Tots (3-4 years)
- Early Birds (K-1st Grade)
- Primary (2nd-4th Grade)
- Juniors (5th-6th Grade)
- Junior High (7th -8th Grade)