Saturday Morning Service (Directions to the church)
- 11:15 AM
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worship services / sermons
Saturday Morning Service (Directions to the church)
Scroll Down to see our Sermon Library
Sermon Library
Video Church Service Library
Youtube Previous Services Library
For older video versions, you can check Vimeo
We Watch, We Wait
2021 Easter Weekend Service
From the Cross to the Table
2019 Easter Weekend Service
Sermon / Church Service Library
Sermons are listed by title, church services by date
(Some of the sermons below are only available in their audio formats
we hope to have full video versions available soon)
If you can't find the service you are looking for below, please click on the "Previous Services" link above.
The sermons are also podcast on itunes at Calimesa SDA Church - Sermons
by searching for Calimesa SDA Church - Sermons in YouTube Music or your preferred podcast app
For a list of older sermons (some with supplemental material) prior to 2019, click here
(Still older sermons, preached between October 2004 and June 2010 can be found here)
Prayer is the opening of the heart to God
as to a friend,
Not that it is necessary
in order to make known to God what we are,
But in order to enable us to receive Him.
Prayer does not bring God down to us,
but brings us up to Him.
-Ellen White, Steps to Christ, 93.
Prayer Requests If you have a prayer request you would like to share with the pastoral staff or our prayer ministry team, you can submit your request by clicking here.
If you would like to present a request to our Prayers for Squares Quilt ministry, you can do so by clicking here. (Prayers for Squares makes quilts for people in need of prayer. Church members are invited to tie a knot on the quilt as they pray, and the quilt is presented as a reminder that they are wrapped in the prayers of our church family).
Adding Depth to your walk
Starting off the day prayerfully reflecting on a passage of scripture . . .
Taking some time at the end of the day
to think about how God has been with you through the day . . .
Planning ways to be in the scriptures, or in prayer,
or in acts of compassion or service to others throughout the day . . .
Being part of a small group,
or perhaps benefiting from the contributions of those
who have been over the path before you . . .
. . . there are many ways that you can continue to grow
in your relationship with God - and add depth to your walk.
Here are a list of resources that may help to enrich your journey (not listed in any particular order)
Christ's Object Lessons (parables of Jesus)
Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing
Printed Resources:
Click on the Links Below to enjoy some 4-5 minute video devotionals:
Questions / Study
Jesus invites us worship God will all our heart, mind, and strength.
Worship is not just a matter of how we feel, or a decision we make to believe something we've been told, but it also involves making sense out of what we believe. One person has said, "My heart cannot rejoice in what my mind rejects" which is why we believe that honoring God and His Word involves bringing the best thought, research, and our collective wisdom to the task.
In a world where technology has made it possible for anyone to publish anything, some have observed that while readily available "information" can seem like it is a thousand miles wide, it is too often only about a quarter of an inch deep, and sometimes also reflects poor scholarship and misinformation. So, with that in mind, what we've tried to do here is provide you with links to some of the better, more helpful, resources as you honor God by worshiping with all your heart, strength, and your mind as well. This, of course, is not an exhaustive or infallible list, but it is a good place to start.
Some Current Topics / Issues You May Have Questions About:
Spiritual Formation and the Controversy Surrounding it
- Listening for God in the Other
- Continuing a Fictitious Conversation
- Still Talking: Contemplative Spirituality
Women in Ministry
Social and Relational Issues
Domestic Violence
Understanding Human Sexuality
Bible Study / Hermeneutics
Racism and Social Justice