worship services

Saturday Mornings @ 11:15 AM

October 12, 2024 - sabbath Worship


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Come on in!

We are a diverse group of Christians committed to following Jesus, receiving God’s amazing grace, and as that transforms us, sharing that life with each other and the world.  

Wherever you may be in your own spiritual journey, come just as you are! Walk with us awhile on ours. We can't wait to meet you.

New to an Adventist church? Watch this video to learn who Seventh-day Adventists are and what to expect. It's a little old (produced in the 1990's) but it still says it pretty well.

Why do we attend Calimesa Adventist Church? Watch this video.

How we go about it

Mission Statement is  "Loving God, Loving People"

We believe that how we go about living that out is best captured  by the metaphor Jesus uses in John 15 - a garden in which God is the gardener (distinct organic imagery here). 

The three MINISTRY PRIORITIES we find there are:

  • Staying Focused on Jesus (Abiding in Christ)
  • Affirming Family (Loving one Another)
  • Including All (Serving and Bearing Witness in the World)

The metaphor of the Pitcher, Cup, Saucer and Plate is also one we use to illustrate what this life looks like. (Click on the green text for a children's story that talks about this) 

VISION STATEMENT: Because of God's transforming grace, we will be a growing community called to worship, serve and share God's hope, peace and joy with others.

THINGS WE VALUE: Justice, Compassion, Humility, Joy, Unity, Integrity

But however we say it, a way of life that flows from knowing Jesus, shows up in how we treat each other, and is expressed in the way we share that life with the world around us, is what we're after. 

What We Believe

While Adventists do not have a creedal statement of beliefs, you can find a detailed statement of "fundamental beliefs" that seeks to summarize the consensus of what the majority of Adventists believe by clicking here.  Adventists however, take the Bible seriously as our source and guide, not the statement of fundamental beliefs itself, which is modified from time to time in ways that reflect the thinking of the majority of Adventists world-wide (or at least that of those that represent them) at General Conference meetings which are held every five years or so. 

To put it another way . . . 

We are also convinced that what we believe goes much deeper than simply what we know and can explain in detail.  It's not just about what we believe, but the kind of people we become as we believe . . . people who we hope are living lives that are all about loving God and loving people.  

So while we try to think carefully and accurately about our faith (because we believe this is important), even when we may not always agree about all the details of how to say it, we are still clear about the way that God invites us to live it - that is, how we act towards each other as we seek to live out what following Jesus looks like.  

We would be somewhat less than honest if we did not admit that we don't always do this as well as we wish we did, either among ourselves or those we interact with. So, while we have some unique things to share that we're excited about, we're certainly not perfect, and don't have everything all figured out. But we are committed to keep growing, learning, and experiencing God's work in our lives as we seek to follow Jesus as clearly as we know how. We want to live in a way that reflects His grace, and invites others to join us on that same life journey.

What Makes Adventists Unique

Seventh-day Adventists are very much like most other protestant Christians, sharing the same core beliefs that have shaped the Christian Church since its very beginning, including the very good news that we are saved by grace through faith - and this as God's gift to us through Jesus.

There are, however, a few unique contributions that we believe Adventists make to the larger body of Christ, and it is in the sharing of these that we have a unique purpose. Among those are these:

THE EXPERIENCE OF SABBATH. Not only do Adventists observe Sabbath on the seventh-day of the week (in continuity with the experience of God's people from their earliest recorded memories), but we also seek to take seriously both the great realities of life that Sabbath celebrates (God as our Creator and Redeemer) and the kind of life that it encourages us to live (one that reminds us as we set aside work, that our core identity is not found in what we do or produce, but in being children of a loving God - and of course, that we need to treat others the same way).

THE WHOLENESS OF PEOPLE.  In contrast to the Greek idea that has influenced many Christian thinkers down through the ages (that we are "spirits" or "souls" that inhabit bodies), we believe that we are indeed "whole" people, with all the various aspects of our lives (physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, etc.) interconnected and inseparable. We don't just have bodies, we are bodies (without a separate full consciousness apart from a real physical existence). As "whole" beings, we believe God wants to bring health to all aspects of our lives, and so Adventists have invested a lot in medical work, education and missions (including improving the living conditions of others) as well as sharing the story of the gospel.  

ANTICIPATION. We also share the New Testament hope of the Second Coming of Jesus (thus the "Adventist" part of our name), the resurrection and an earth restored to what God intended for it. It is at that time that we also look forward to a final resolution of the problem of sin, and a universe restored. But even as we look forward in joyful anticipation to that time, and share that anticipation with others, we do not simply wait, but rather work to bring into the present as much as we can of the life that we will experience then. Even now we can begin to embody the life of the Kingdom of God, and be a presence that encourages peace and healing in our world.

There are of course other things we could mention as well, but these are some of the ones for which we are best known. If you would like to learn more, we would be happy to talk with you. 

Like to become a member?

To transfer your membership to Calimesa Seventh-day Adventist Church: online membership transfer form.

If you're a follower of Jesus and would like to join the Calimesa church family, we'd be happy to talk with you about making that happen. Contact the church office or any of our church staff—let's talk!

Even if you're not too sure about this whole church thing, but you'd like to explore what believing in God and following Jesus might be all about, we'd love to be a conversation partner with you. Catch one of the pastors after one of our services, give us a call, text or email us.  You can reach any of the pastors by calling the church office at 909-795-9741.

If you would like to study online to learn more about Christianity or Adventists, you can enroll in a course here.

A Brief history of our expanding campus

In addition to the growth of the Calimesa Church community described above, the buildings that house much of our church life were constructed in three phases. Phase 1 was the construction of a youth chapel, a Community Services room and the North and South wings housing the Children's Sabbath school rooms. The first phase was first occupied on March 27, 1964.

The sanctuary and church offices were then built, and occupied on February 20, 1965. Membership growth forced the erection of the final phase on the East end of the building. This consisted of two more Sabbath school rooms and the church fellowship hall. Kenneth Roberts was in charge of all the construction projects, with total costs at $400,000. The church was soon paid off, and was dedicated on November 22, 1969.

Later a multipurpose building was constructed in which to house the Community Services and Pathfinders. This phase of the construction was completed in June of 1977 under the supervision of Ruben Yeager at a cost of $110,000.  Toward the end of 2015, the facility was completely remodeled to include new rooms, better storage, new restrooms and a new kitchen, at the cost of about $425,000,  The new facility now houses our High School and Jr. High Ministries, Community Services, Prayers & Squares (our quilting ministry), Pathfinders, offices for two of our pastors, and a number of other groups that use the facility on both a regular and occasional basis.

Most recently, beginning in the Fall of 2020, we expanded and remodeled the kitchen attached to the Fellowship Hall, the Fellowship Hall itself, and the Junior Sabbath School classroom attached to the kitchen.  The Junior room was relocated to what was once the music room, and the music room (or green room) is now next to the Fellowship Hall.  This project cost a little under $500,000 and was completed in time for the beginning of 2022.

In addition to the church facilities, we are one of the constituent churches for Mesa Grande Academy.  Mesa Grande Junior Academy  (at 975 South Fremont Street in Calimesa) originally served the young people of the Calimesa, Yucaipa, Beaumont and Forest Falls churches. After becoming a full K-12 school (graduating its first Senior class in the spring of 1991) several additional churches have joined its constituency, serving not only these additional young people, but a large number from our surrounding community as well.



A number of pastors have served as a part of the Calimesa Church family over the many decades of its ministry.  

listed below is our own Calimesa genealogy.